suddenly i'm famous
and people know my name

Hey hey. My name is Keelly. Hi peoples, i am born on the 23/04/1995. I am Taiwanese and i attend Macgee. WELL, I am a sped that is childish, dumb, clumsy and stupid but i am AWESOME =D I am a big fan of korean dramas :D. i enjoy chatting, facebooking and talking with my beautiful girlfriends ;). Stalk me on facebook and bebo =).

my heart has been captured
by your funny little smile

i don't know for sure
where this is going

Ellen Danika Amy Angie Vanny Upekkha Danielle Carol Devina Jess Linna Louise Nina Courtney Chau
Jaein Euniece
Philip V
Philip L

don't promise me forever
just love me day by day

Layout: hasta mañana
Inspiration: balloon.s
Fonts: toomunch
Icons: defying affection
Lyrics: Funny Little World
Others: colour codes

I am back (Saturday, February 26, 2011 / 11:23 PM)

Hi reader,
Haven't been blogging for a while because i cbf to blog during my long holiday and because i am so tired after the holidays. HEHE i have to say i bought alot of stuff back from TW ^^. New winter clothes, shoes, stationaries, bags, accessories and cosmetics. Stock things up for the next two years.

My cute snoopy from TW :)

Some of my cosmetics :) Forgot the masks that my sisters and I are sharing =D

like my hello kitty mascara from maybelline??? it's so cute :)

accessories and earings

shoes and bags

I can't wait till 2012 KEKE more shopping :D

All packed and ready to go!!! (Sunday, November 21, 2010 / 3:40 AM)

Hi readers,
Today was a very busy day because my family and i cleaned the house for like an end of year clean up thingo. I cleaned SOME windows, moped part the floor and cleaned my desk and my room. I picked and took all my clothes that i wanted to bring to Taiwan near the packing area for my mummy to pack HEHE. Time flies so fast, it's been like two years since last time's big holiday. It only feels like one month or something.

Well, anyways today after all the busy and cleaning business we ate shushi again because like a week ago we had shushi too. They were supplied by my sis's boyfriend's mummy cause his mum is such a good cooker and great shushi maker. They were so yummy and i am so full afterwards. Last week's plate was way bigger than this one and because we had heaps so we shared them with my uncle and aunty's family. Sharing is Caring LOL =D. We had Krispy Kreme for breakfast too because my sister bought like 12 (in a box) yesterday. And again we shared them because apparently my cute grandma really likes eating doughnuts and she wouldn't let other people take hers LOL. I am gonna so miss my dad and my sisters and Australia when i go back to Taiwan . I hope i don't end up crying in Taiwan because i feel bored or miss home. Hope everything is gonna be fun and alright, Let's pray =D. Probably not gonna blog till i have access to computers in Taiwan with no time limits so i can blog and do other stuff HEHE.

Let us pray that everything is going to be fine, Thankyou =D

NO MORE EXAMS (Friday, November 19, 2010 / 9:53 PM)

Hi readers,
I finally finished all my exams including chinese, OMG i feel so relieved. Another two days of school then i am off on holidays. Sighhhhh i was meant to go to Seaworld on Monday but i decided not to. Oh well i don't think we are going to do much on the last of week of school anyways because exams are all finished maybe only some assignments for others. But i am free i think. I can finally breathe properly. Well, i don't think i have other stuff to blog about so yeah. I will blog soon hopefully on Monday! =D

Countdown: Taiwan in three more days
Song of the day: Empty - JYJ (The Beginning)

BOOST (Friday, November 12, 2010 / 3:34 AM)

Hi readers,
Well, i was meant to blog like on tuesday but i kept delaying because i have so many assignments that i have to do and exams. So i probably won't have time to blog next week and maybe the week after or until school starts next year because i am going on holidays. But i might be able to blog in Taiwan if there is computer for me to use and internet. TAIWAN TAIWAN here i come KEKE.

Okay, back to my topic. Well, this tuesday me and Alice went to Garbo to chill because i won't be able to hang with her during this long summer holiday. AND I finally tried BOOST which i have never before. I have been living iin Australia eversince i was 7 and i have never tried boost which is really wierd. I ordered 'watermelon crush' original size which was like huge so i was really really full afterwards. But it was kinda expensive, oh well at least i tried it. Anyways it was fun that day cause we kinda WALKED a long way from school to Garbo because it's a good experience. We were like laughing the whole entire afternoon so it was tiring when i got back home but it was extremely fun. I am gonna do it again next year and more frequently.

Well, something happened on tuesday night that made me really really pissed. Some random dude i added started talking to me via personal message. Well this is our convo:
HIM : how are you? :p .
ME : Good Ty but uhmmmm do I know u :O
HIM : good noo random :x lol got msn? .
ME : Yeah but I don't go on it anymore cause CBf Lol =D
HIM : aww aha ;P wanna have some fun? .
ME : Fun ???
HIM : haha.. u as horny as i am? .
ME : WTF ur disgusting
HIM : srry>< .
ME : WTF ==
HIM : haha i guess ure never hrny? >< .
ME : Ur gross and is that what u think all day god that's gross get a life and stop disrupting my study god u pissed me off @$&!&'n girls don't get get horny they fucking have pms and they can get really scary so beware mate just live ur life through a more sensitive way stop being so inappropriate GOD

AND i was going to delete him when i go on my computer but when i got on he already deleted me HAHA. I think i scared him or something, was i too mean ??? But i was just teaching him to be more mature GOD. Now i think i should never add randoms.

Song of the week : Love is a lie by Lyn - Vol 5 - Let Go, Let In, It's a New Day

Buffet Garden (Saturday, October 23, 2010 / 10:23 PM)

Hi readers,
Today,I am going to blog about yesterday night. Well, yesterday night me and my whole family including my grandma, relatives and family friends had dinner together at Buffet Garden. It was so awful and boring. It costed like $26 for each person and then u can eat as much as u can. But when i eat outside (especailly dinner) i tend to eat very little for some odd reason so it was just a waste of money. AND my oldest sis was going to come with us after coming back from Gold Coast with her friend but she didn't because she said she was TOO FULL. SUCKER, so i was like a loner for the whole night. Well, there were my cousins and our family friends but they were all boys and all older than me so there was no topics to talk about. Plus i am not close to my cousins so it was so freakin' boring. I ate like a plate with fried rice and some noodles as well as vegetables and then a plate of salad and then a plate of fruit and desserts which was not much compared to other people. AND my uncle was like 'hey i never saw u eating stuff' it sounded as if i wasted his money. Sighhhhhhh, i regret going, should of just told my dad to drive me home since my sis was at home.

Anyways, and after dinner we went back to my uncles house because they wanted to chat. I was like the youngest there with the rest like 25+ so i was so bored. I started playing my touch while they were talking and then my uncle saw me playing and he was like 'that is bad for ur eyes' .I know it is bad for my eyes but because i was really bored. They don't care, they only think i should be more involved and talk. I hate it when that happens. So i kinda just ingnored him and kept playing (yes, i am a very impolite girl when it comes to family meetings and i am SORRY). SERIOUSLY, our whole entire family probably thinks i am impolite but whatever I DON'T F***ING CARE ANYMORE. Maybe it's just because i am the age where i think i am always right so i dislike being judged. I actually hope i was like 20 now so i can actually talk to them 'Maturely'. ONE more thing i hate about my relatives is that my cousins can always go home when they wanted to and when me and my sisters wanted to go home they start to go 'oh, why do u guys want to go home, is it that boring... etc' and they will probably start to think we are very impolite. DUDE but why does ur son get to do it and we can't. OMG i am so pissed but i can finally let it out through blogspot. I WILL TRY TO BE NICE, TALK AND BE POLITE NEXT TIME, OKAY ??? ;). Okay, i will blog about 'Playful Kiss' soon because it makes me feel happier =D.

Self reminder : Taiwan in 30 more days!!!

Guilt (Thursday, October 21, 2010 / 3:08 AM)

Hi readers,
Today was a pretty good day. I had to do this Civics and Citizenship exam for english today because MY class got picked to do it as one of the representatives from MACGEE. The exam was for Educational Queensland to see how much grade 10's understand about being citizens. The test was pretty hard because i didn't understand some of the words, so i practically just guessed my answers! AND at lunch time i went to the library to finish my maths homework because i don't have my maths textbook so i couldn't do it at home. I went to ask the helpful and kind librarian today and nobody had returned my textbook yet. She was nice because she helped me look around the whole library just to find a spare maths textbook to scan to see the price. She told me not to panic and told me to go see my maths teacher to print some pages out for homework. She was really nice! Anyways, we didn't have badminton today again because the sports award evening rehersal was in the hall. KEKE but it was still fun because we were allowed to listen to our ipods, watch the movie, do homework or talk HAHA.

Well, something funny happened after school when my mummy came to pick me and ellen up. This lady got lost around the Macgregor area and asked my mummy the way to the airport. She spoke canto to my mummy and then she realized that my mummy can't understand her so she changed to chinese. Apparently she came from N.S.W because her car plate said so LOL. The point was that we don't know the way from our school to the airport so we couldn't really help her. But she said she just wanted to get out from the Macgregor area and go to the main roads. So she followed my car out from the school and to Logan road but we lost her at the end. Apparently she went up one of the highways that's what my mummy said but i felt guilty because we couldn't help her. She was extremely brave travelling around somewhere that she is not familiar with like the airport! SO PRO. I feel so sorry for her because she might get lost again. I hope she reallly finds her way to the airport =D god bless her as well as buddha LOL. Damn it, we should of asked her phone number so we know what happened to her and can try and help her. I REALLY HOPE SHE FINDS HER WAY!

Song of the week : 제발 잘해줘 (현중 Solo) - SS501 Collection, Love Ya - Destination (EP)

No School! (Monday, October 18, 2010 / 3:35 AM)

Hi readers,
Today is pupil free day so no school for me, YAY. I was going to wake up at 11 this morning because i wanted to watch this funny show on television but i ended up waking up at 1:15 in the afternoon. I don't know why but the longer i sleep the more tired i am when i open my eyes just like this morning. I was actually awake around 11ish and i told myself that i could still sleep for another 10 minutes and i ended up waking up around 12. I looked at the clock and it was 12 but i told myself that i already missed out half of the show so no point of waking up. And i was even more tired so my eyes dropped again. I slept like 12 hours altogether because i slept at 1ish last night. Anyways so then i had lunch because i missed out breakfast and went to do my stupid economics homework. It took me the whole afternoon from 2 till 4:30 to find all the economic jargon's definitions. Also, Amy, Jordan, Carol and me all had to do this stupid pie graph for the teacher and my topic was on exports. All thank-you to Amy Yang because she found the site for me which means that i only had to read the numbers and use Microsoft to draw the graph for me. Well, during the searching i also played my Nightclub City and updated all my 'Playful Kiss' chapters too KEKE.

Oh and since watching 'Playful Kiss' i became addicted to SS501 HAHA. I have been downloading some of their songs. But how sad Kim Hyun Joong had apparently moved to this other entertainment company so SS501 is no longer a group. Oh well the other 4 people may still be SS501 but Kim Hyun Joong won't be the team leader anymore T T HOW SAD. I can't wait till next Thursday because people will update chapter 15 of 'Playful Kiss' on the internet and 'Ha Ni and Seung Jo' are getting married YAY, how cute =D. AND AND my sis is going to find the funny korean television show 'Strong Heart' for me. I asked her to find the chapters that SS501 was one KEKE and i hope she find it for me.

SS501 <3